It's been a few weeks, thanks to the holiday break, since there was a post. But as soon as I got back to work I found the school board is seeking recognition because January is School Board Appreciation Month or some such nonsense. What is even funnier is that you (the taxpayers) are paying for people to write press releases and send out bulletins alerting the media about the event. There will be a big hoopla at this month's meeting, in addition to the typical dog and pony show we are all treated to. I wonder if Dr. Thomas will treat us to a third showing of his PowerPoint presentation on how great BISD is?
For those who don't follow the district closely, you might not realize it but this is also the month that the board performs its annual evaluation of Dr. Thomas. We are all putting together information so the board can say how great he is and how he has done so much to improve BISD.
Never mind the fact that we are being investigated by the FBI, among other state and federal agencies. Yeah, there is a breaking news item for you media people, it is not just the FBI that is looking into the district's business.
We have also heard that a number of people have been interviewed by the FBI and that they are spilling the beans on everything they know. Like, did you know that Dr. Thomas has a slush fund that he can access to pay for things without board approval? I thought he worked for them. LOL! That is a joke. He has carte blanche to do whatever he wants and when someone tells him no, he plays the race card or makes their lives miserable.
When this blog first appeared he was furious and Jessie has been trying to figure out which one of us is responsible. Too bad for them.
People need to know what is happening in BISD and they need to be aware of the upcoming elections. There will be a ton of people trying to get on the board and right now, Jessie is working behind the scenes to figure out the best strategy of who to run against the BETTER group. They know that Terry Williams and Woodrow Reece are vulnerable so they are trying to get people to run and dilute the vote like the did a few years ago with Martha Hicks. The goal is to keep four supporters (black or white) on the board so they can do what they want. Yes, they are talking to a couple of whites to run, as well. They also have their attorney working to get the Department of Justice to void any changes to the make-up of the board.
Several reporters have contacted me wanting to do an interview but obviously that is not possible, plus there is only one person in the media that I really trust. I don't post too often but bear with me, as things get heated up, I will update it here.